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Mother Earth Garden LLC

Is created to share the passion and love for plants. During the Pandemic a lot of people stayed home and started to love plants. They started to realize and appreciate the importance of nature. Plants are scientifically proven to reduce stress, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. It also boosts your creativity, productivity, concentration, improved memory, and even improved air quality. My Name is Francesca and I am the owner and founder of Mother Earth Garden LLC. I offer variety of plants, ranging from simple indoor plants to more exotic, rare plants. These plants are grown with love and care. They are grown indoors from my plant room which I consider my greenhouse. They are bringing a lot of joy; love and I hope that they do the same for you and your loved ones. Join me in our journey to make our Mother Earth a beautiful garden.

I hope that you learn more about plants from this website. If you are interested in purchasing some of these plants, Take a look at our shop. If you don’t find what you need, check back soon, or feel free to contact me.

Easy Payment Options

Major Debit, Credit cards, PayPal, Venmo and Klarna (Pay in 4)

Packed and Shipped with care

We take pride in our handling of orders. Every order is package with the upmost attention and care.

Nationwide shipping

We are license to ship throughout the United States.


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